Tue, 22 October 2024

Plant disease clinic

Plant Health Solutions operates an independent diagnostic plant disease clinic service for commercial growers, packers, consultants, and technologists.

Prices start from £75-00 per sample (without culturing) and £110-00 (with culturing) plus VAT. For many fungal plant diseases we can make a diagnosis based on microscopical examination alone without culturing, but where a bacterial plant pathogen is suspected we always recommend culturing.

We also provide a range of seed and plant health testing or indexing services for a number of specific pathogens in seed or propagation material (e.g. cuttings, plug plants, seedlings). View examples of some of the specific tests we offer .

How to use the service

If you wish to take advantage of this service, please contact us at the earliest opportunity, so that we can advise on when and what material to send, and how to pack it. Alternatively please Email us indicating the crop and brief description of the problem and I will get back to you with instructions on where and how to send your sample(s).

Samples should be sent to the laboratory address:

Plant Health Solutions Ltd
The Estate Office
Harbury Heath
Leamington Spa   CV33 3NL

Typically leaf or small plant samples should be sent loosely wrapped in dry paper towel inside a polythene bag, and sent in a padded envelope or cardboard box by 1st Class post or overnight courier. Please send towards the beginning of the week (we certainly do not recommend sending samples on a Friday !).

Reporting Progress

We aim to keep you updated on progress by brief e-mails as often as appropriate. We will confirm safe receipt of samples in the lab when they are also given a unique sample number, and logged in the system.